Tip To Tip Episode List & Extras
The full list, as well as any extra content related to individual episodes of Tip To Tip with Lou & Chris will be here.
Legend: Episode #: Chronology | Job Name | Were they “Lou’d”? *
* A job as been “Lou’d” when Lou quits a job by walking out mid-shift.
050 (TVER): 48th Job | Coming Soon…
049 (TVER): 47th Job | ESPN X-Games Skatepark
048 (TVER): 46th Job | Bally Total Fitness
047 (TVER): 45th Job | Circuit City (Duluth)
046 (TVER): 44th Job | Hat Shack
045 (TVER): 43rd Job | Kids R Kids
044 (TVER): 42nd Job | Mick’s | was “Lou’d”
043 (TVER): 41st Job | Target (Duluth)
042 (TVER): 40th Job | Hollywood Video
041 (TVER): 39th Job | Pacific Sunwear
040 (TVER): 38th Job | Gadzooks
039 (TVER): 37th Job | Lucky Brand Jeans
038 (TVER): 36th Job | Suncoast Motion Picture Company
037 (TVER): 35th Job | Ashley Avery's Collectables
036 (TVER): 34th Job | Z Gallerie
035 (TVER): 33rd Job | Jenny Craig Weight Loss Center
034 (TVER): 32nd Job | Metro One
033 (TVER): 31st Job | Tower Records - Schaumburg
032 (TVER): 30th Job | Hot Topic
031 (TVER): 29th Job | Natural Wonders
030 (TVER): 28th Job | Target (Palatine)
029 (TVER): 27th Job | Menards | was “Lou’d”
028 (TVER): 26th Job | Tower Video
027 (TVER): 25th Job | Tower Records (West Hollywood) [Part 2]
026 (TVER): 25th Job | Tower Records (West Hollywood) [Part 1]
025 (TVER): 24th Job | Virgin Megastore
024 (TVER): 23rd Job | Power Rangers
023 (TVER): 22nd Job | UPS | was “Lou’d”
022 (TVER): 21st Job | Cineplex Odeon Town & Country Theaters... Again [Part 2]
021 (TVER): 21st Job | Cineplex Odeon Town & Country Theaters... Again [Part 1]
020 (TVER): 20th Job | Bixby’s Bagels
019 (TVER): 19th Job | The Culinary Wrap
018 (TVER): 18th Job | US Guards
017: Special Episode | Court Ordered Community Service
016 (TVER): 16th & 17th Jobs | Edwards Island 7 and Big Newport 6
015 (TVER): 15th Job | The Warehouse
014 (TVER): 14th Job | Hughes Family Markets
013 (TVER): 13th Job | Waldenbooks
012 (TVER): 12th Job | Seduced By Madness
011 (TVER): 11th Job | Day By Day Calendar Company
010 (TVER): 10th Job | Fresh Fields Market
009 (TVER): 9th Job | Cineplex Odeon Town & Country Theaters
008 (TVER): 8th Job | Ken’s World of Video
007 (TVER): 6th & 7th Jobs | Cineplex Odeon Woodfield 3 & 4 and 5-9
006 (TVER): 5th Job | PCA
005 (TVER): 4th Job | Cineplex Odeon Ridge Cinemas
004 (TVER): 3rd Job | Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse
003 (TVER): 2nd Job | US Research Company
002 (TVER): 1st Job | McDonald’s
001: Orientation | Getting to know Lou & Chris
Episode 039 (TVER)
37th Job | Luck Brand Jeans
In honor of Lou’s move from Illinois to Georgia after his stint at Lucky Brand Jeans, we present a list of all the jobs Lou had in Woodfield Mall. As you can see, this will not be the last we see of the old girl. Schaumburg, IL. 1994-2009.
Episode 037 (TVER)
35th Job | Ashley Avery's Collectables
No name tag for this one, but this was the first time Lou got his name on a business card. Schaumburg, IL. 2000.
As mentioned on the episode, Jesus playing baseball and hockey. The internet. 2020.
More Jesus, more sports. The internet. 2020.
This was the same kind fiberglass dog statue that Lou almost tripped over repeatedly for a month. The internet. 2020.
Episode 036 (TVER)
34th Job | Z Gallerie
Still looks much as it did when Lou last stepped foot inside. Schaumburg, IL. 2018.
Not exactly a name tag, but this was the badge Lou wore proudly for a few days. Schaumburg, IL. 2000.
Episode 035 (TVER)
33rd Job | Jenny Craig Weight Loss Center
She’s still there, helping motherfuckers drop them ell bees. Schaumburg, IL. 2020.
Episode 034 (TVER)
32nd Job | Metro One
A different telecom company resides where Metro One once was. Mount Prospect, IL. 2020.
Episode 033 (TVER)
31st Job | Tower Records - Schaumburg
Tower Schaumburg has long since passed, but the husk is still in use today. Schaumburg, IL. 2019.
Episode 032 (TVER)
30th Job | Hot Topic
The entrance of Stratford Square Mall as it is today. Bloomingdale, IL. 2019.
All Hot Topic’s look more or less the same, but this one is in Stratford Square Mall. Bloomingdale, IL.
Episode 031 (TVER)
29th Job | Natural Wonders
The entrance to Woodfield Mall that Lou usually used to get Natural Wonders, as it is today. Schaumburg, IL. 2019
While not actual pictures of the Natural Wonders where Lou worked, both of these are solid representations of what the Woodfield Mall store looked like.
Episode 030 (TVER)
28th Job | Target (Palatine)
The place Lou found love still stands. Palatine, IL. 2019.
Left: This is the actual piece of receipt paper that Lou wrote his phone number on for Tammi. | Right: A ticket stub from Lou and Tammi’s first non-date. 1999.
A note that Lou gave Tammi during their courtship. He’s been weird for a long time. Palatine, IL. 1999.
Lou’s Target name tag. Palatine, IL. 1999.
Episode 029 (TVER)
27th Job | Menards
The husk of Menards still stands. Palatine, IL. 2019.
Lou’s Menards name tag. Palatine, IL. 1999.
Episode 028 (TVER)
26th Job | Tower Video
The location where Tower Video used to be is now a Chase bank. Notice the Viper Room to the right of Terner’s Liquor, both of which are exactly as they were in 1999. West Hollywood, CA. 2019.
This is the issue of Guitar World Magazine that included an article on emo that fucked with Lou’s head.
Episode 027 (TVER)
25th Job | Tower Records - West Hollywood [Part 2]
As a bridge between the Tower Records and Tower Video episodes, let me show you where they were in relation to one another. In the above picture, you can see the Chase bank to the left of Tower Records, a block West on Sunset. That Chase is where Tower Video used to be. West Hollywood, CA. 2019.
Lou’s Tower name tags. West Hollywood, CA. 1999.
Episode 026 (TVER)
25th Job | Tower Records - West Hollywood [Part 1]
Tower Records, as it was. West Hollywood, CA.
Sharky and Bunny (and Bunny’s friend, Little Poo), relaxing. Los Angeles, CA. 2019.
Episode 025 (TVER)
24th Job | Virgin Megastore
While the Virgin Megastore is no more, the mall it was in is still there. Virgin was located on the left side in the above picture, behind the Crescent Heights sign. West Hollywood, CA. 2019.
Episode 024 (TVER)
23rd Job | Power Rangers
Aaron, Lou and Shane, in front of their apartment in Hollywood. I have no idea who’s car were sitting on here. Los Angeles, CA. 1998.
Aaron and Lou loading up the van in the garage of their apartment in Hollywood. Los Angeles, CA. 1998.
Episode 023 (TVER)
22nd Job | UPS
The UPS depot that Lou worked at is still there. This was the guardhouse he had to navigate every day going in and out. Palatine, IL. 2019.
Lou’s UPS ID. Palatine, IL. 1998.
Episode 022 (TVER)
21st Job | Cineplex Odeon Town & Country Theaters... Again [Part 2]
An areal view of Town & Country Mall. The Dick’s Sporting Goods in the middle replaced the theater. And if you look at the anchor store on the left side, there’s an Easter egg for a future episode of the podcast.
Episode 021 (TVER)
21st Job | Cineplex Odeon Town & Country Theaters... Again [Part 1]
Here’s the only picture of Lou with long hair from this time period. Lou on the left, Dan on the right. Arlington Heights, IL. 1998.
The picture of Lou and Dan walking with ponytails was taken as they walked from their apartment to the car. They lived in the above building, and the place the picture was take is right above the white tow-away sign.
Episode 020 (TVER)
20th Job | Bixby’s Bagels
Bixby’s Begals was somewhere in this little strip mall, though Lou can’t remember exactly which spot. Also, if you walk straight up Wright St, the apartment he was living in is about two and a half blocks down, on the left.
Here’s the episode of Lou’s old podcast, The Unreliable Narrator, where he and his co-host discuss emo.
Episode 019 (TVER)
19th Job | The Culinary Wrap
The Culinary Wrap is a distant memory, but a couple of decades back, it was located between the two tallest palm trees in the picture. Also, that Shirley’s Bagels was there back then and does a killer pizza bagel. Costa Mesa, CA. 2019.
Episode 018 (TVER)
18th Job | US Guards
Lou’s US Guards ID badge. He wore it well, if not often. Santa Ana, CA. 1997.
Episode 017 (Special Episode)
Court Ordered Community Service
Indian Trails Library is where Lou did his 240 community service hours. Wheeling, IL. 2019.
Episode 016 (TVER)
16th & 17th Jobs | Edwards Island 7 and Big Newport 6
Another theater has taken over the space, but the new entrance is in another part of the building. The entrance to the Edwards Island 7 is now a wall. Newport Beach, CA. 2019.
While these pictures are from about fifteen years after Lou worked there, this is much how he remembers it. Newport Beach, CA. 2011.
Lou’s Edwards Cinemas name tag. Every once in a while, you’ve got to get a little more formal and hand write “Louis”.
Episode 015 (TVER)
15th Job | The Warehouse
The Warehouse is now a Pilates Plus, but the structure still stands. Costa Mesa, CA. 2019.
Lou’s Warehouse name tag. An interesting time capsule of what he was listening to most at the time.
The backside of Lou’s Warehouse name tag. This side was just for him. Not sure what “I am a loser” was about, but it was definitely not a Beck reference. More likely, a moment of extreme self-loathing.
Here are the pics Lou took during the episode. Los Angeles, CA. 2019.
Here’s what Chris was describing towards the end of the episode. Notice the Gläs box right next to Jesus. Los Angeles, CA. 2019.
Episode 014 (TVER)
14th Job | Hughes Family Markets
Where Hughes once was, a Ralph’s now stands. On the right side, behind the tree, is the Starbucks where “Starbucks Guy” worked. Costa Mesa, CA. 2019.
The name tag I wore whilst bagging groceries.
Here’s the picture Chris mentioned that was “on a fridge” - Lou’s wearing his bag-boy outfit, dancing in his kitchen in Newport Beach, CA, circa 1996.
There were emotional highs and lows during this time. This self-decorated Polaroid from that time was from one of his lower moments. Newport Beach, CA. 1996.
In case you were thinking the whole “Bagger’s Olympics” thing was a goof - here you go. The Nation Grocers Union has been doing some version of the NGA Best Bagger Championship since the 1980’s. That shit is real!
Episode 013 (TVER)
13th Job | Waldenbooks
The Sherman Oaks Fashion Square. Waldenbooks is is no longer, but the mall remains. Sherman Oaks, CA. 2019.
Episode 012 (TVER)
12th Job | Seduced By Madness
Grant High School is where they shot the scenes Lou was in. If you look closely, you can see where he was, in the screen-cap below. Van Nuys, CA. 2019.
Here’s a screen-cap from Seduced By Madness, in ultra low-def! Green circle: Lou, Red circle: Ann-Magret.
Episode 011 (TVER)
11th Job | Day By Day Calendar Company
The Day By Day kiosk was underneath this escalator in the Fashion Square Mall. Sherman Oaks, CA. 2018.
The name tag I wore while slanging calendars.
Episode 010 (TVER)
10th Job | Fresh Fields Market
Fresh Fields is long gone, but the empty structure remains. Palatine, IL. 2019.
Episode 009 (TVER)
9th Job | Cineplex Odeon Town & Country Theaters
T & C is no more. In it’s place is a Dick’s Sporting Goods. Arlington Heights, IL. 2019.
Town & Country mall in the later, almost abandoned, years. Arlington Heights, IL.
Episode 008 (TVER)
8th Job | Ken’s World of Video
Back when VHS was the platform of choice, this was the place. Behold… Ken’s World of Video. Palatine, IL.
Episode 007 (TVER)
6th & 7th Jobs | Cineplex Odeon Woodfield 3 & 4 and 5-9
It was the end of the line for Woodfield 3 & 4. Schaumburg, IL.
Episode 006 (TVER)
5th Job | PCA
PCA has gone the way of the Dodo, but the building is still in operation. Hopefully “Power Breakfast” is still in there, doing it. Wheeling, IL. 2019.
This is isn’t the exact Type O Negative shirt Lou describes wearing, but it’s a similar graphic.
Episode 005 (TVER)
4th Job | Cineplex Odeon Ridge Cinemas
Ridge Cinemas has long been gone, and is now an X-Sport Fitness. Arlington Heights, IL. 2019.
One of many Cineplex Odeon name tags I had over the years. Any variation on the name Lou that you can think of, I wore it on my chest at some point.
This is the “Tub Rex” that was filled with Coke for one lucky customer.
Episode 004 (TVER)
3rd Job | Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse
Chinn’s still pushing out crabs on the daily. Wheeling, IL. 2019.
Yellow name tag on top of a yellow shirt. I wonder what Mr. Chinn’s favorite color is?
This was the shirt Lou had to wear while running food at Bob Chinn’s.
Episode 003 (TVER)
2nd Job | US Research Company
Still just a nondescript building in an office park. Wheeling, IL. 2019.
Episode 002 (TVER)
1st Job | McDonald’s
McDonald’s still stands much as it was. Wheeling, IL. 2019.
Episode 001
Orientation | Getting to know Lou & Chris
Welcome to your first day at Tip To Tip with Lou & Chris.